One-to-One Coaching


“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?”
Marianne Willamson

What is coaching?

Coaching is a dynamic and effective way to address many of the challenges life and work can throw at us, and to stay connected to our personal values and best intentions. Coaching gives you a safe, confidential space in which to support your own good mental health, confront challenges and doubt, improve self-care and sustain a sense of wellbeing whilst helping to clarify your purpose and sense of direction. Investing time, energy and money in yourself is a courageous and powerful thing to do.

How can coaching help me?

Coaching can support you to think and act more clearly in any area of your life lacking energy and direction, or which feels blocked or just plain ‘wrong’. This could be an important career decision, a personal or professional situation that is not working as you would wish, or something less specific that you sense is holding you back.

Coaching has been proven to help develop new positive neural networks*, helping you to respond more calmly to stress, to make clear choices more confidently, and to access much more of your potential creativity.

Working with me will help you make life choices that align with your deepest values, beliefs and passions. I will support you to access fresh perspectives and a stronger sense of choice, and enable you to bring more of your own creativity to the challenges and opportunities of life, both onstage and off.

What’s your coaching like?

My clients describe my coaching as joyful, intuitive, playful, nurturing, creative, adventurous and powerful. I will listen to you deeply with my full attention, giving you space to think, to feel and to be heard. You can count on me to be honest and straightforward, asking clarifying questions and making empowering requests. I will not seek to dish out advice or ‘solve’ your problems but will hold a safe and welcoming space, and ask powerful questions which will help you to think, to feel and to see things more clearly for yourself.

There may also be times when I will challenge you to choose courage over comfort and what is true, rather than what may be fun, fast or easy. In return, you have my word that I am 100% committed to you being powerful, successful and to having the life you want.

Most of the time we live our lives in an activated or charged state (i.e. fight, flight, freeze or collapse) so part of our work will also be focused on soothing your nervous system, helping you to feel calmer and more in control. The only way we can be successful at making any changes in our lives (big or small) is by feeling safe first.

As your coach I will walk by your side and champion you because I know you have the strength not just to survive, but to truly thrive.


Some of the many things I can help you with:

  • Imposter Syndrome and self-doubt

  • Emotional and mental resilience

  • Self-confidence and assertiveness

  • Finding a good work/life/family balance

  • Anxiety, nerves, stress and burnout

  • Future focus and direction - getting clear on goals and moving forward with intention

  • Coping with new life events or changes

  • Building a self-care routine

  • Staying connected to your purpose and your values

  • Loneliness and isolation

  • Managing difficult or challenging relationships

  • Understanding how beliefs or ‘unconscious’ thinking might be holding you back

  • Finding fresh perspectives on an area in your life.

“Bea’s coaching feels like the softest velvet with steel underneath.”
— One-to-one coaching client